A Street That Has It All
Salt Lake City will rebuild 600/700 North from 800 West to Redwood Road starting in 2025.
Check out the planned design below (or click the button to see it full-screen)!
Use the slider to compare the design (right) to the existing roadway (left).

The road reconstruction project will enhance safety and comfort for everyone and includes high-quality infrastructure improvements like bike lanes and wider sidewalks to better support people who walk and bike while maintaining existing travel lanes for drivers. Salt Lake City has engaged the community since 2020, with a 2023 survey gathering over 1,400 comments. Priorities included trees, landscaping, upgraded bike infrastructure, traffic calming, and better lighting, with speeding and safety identified as top concerns.
The design includes several strategies to address these needs including:
Lowering vehicle speeds and narrowing the road using center medians and curb extensions, which shortens crossing distance for pedestrians at crosswalks
Separated bike lanes will be built on each side of the street behind the curb and gutter, creating a much more comfortable cycling experience
Adding new bus stops for people using transit will come online towards the end of construction
Adding additional mid-block crosswalks to provide more opportunities to cross the street


Next Steps
The project is anticipated to be advertised in January 2025, with a Meet the Contractor/Construction Kick Off Open House slated for March/April just prior to construction beginning in Spring.